New Zealand Genealogists

Our New Zealand genealogists research on location. They will find and analyze the best records available to further your family history research. They can search the archives and libraries in New Zealand, including:

  • Government
  • National Archives of New Zealand (main and branch offices)
    Civil registrations, court, education, emigrations, immigrations, government employees, land, Maori genealogies, military, mining, naturalization, pensions, passengers, probates, military records up to 1920
  • Department Archives
    Some government departments retain custody of the records they generate such as civil registrations, wills, probates, land records
  • City Council Archives
    Considerable local records
  • Military
  • Auckland Museum and War Memorial Museum
    New Zealand history, especially of the Auckland Region and NZ’s participation in overseas military conflicts
  • Army Museum Waiouru New Zealand
    Expeditionary Force Histories
  • Libraries
  • National Library of New Zealand
    Largest collection of reference and research materials in NZ
  • Alexander Turnbull Library
    Country’s main research Library, holds New Zealand’s largest collection of private manuscripts and archives

  • Universities
  • University of Otago, Hocken Library
    Large collection of archival publications, and pictorials pertaining to the Otago and Southland areas of the South Island
  • University of Canterbury, Macmillan Brown Library
    Births, deaths, marriages, accidents, biographies, electoral rolls, immigrations, naturalisations, passengers, shipping, bankruptcies, estates, jury lists, land records, probates, military records, newspaper indexes
  • University of Waikato Library
    Extensive collection of new Zealand biographies
  • University of Auckland Library
    Maori Land Court minute books and other records pertaining to Maori studies, old maps showing Land Claims for Auckland and Northland, maps of Auckland
  • Churches
  • Anglican Provincial Archives
  • Baptist Research and Historical Society
  • Catholic Archdiocese of Wellington Archives
  • Methodist Church of New Zealand Archives
  • Hewitson Presbyterian Library, Knox College
  • Jewish Archives
  • National Maritime Museum
    Maritime history from the earliest Polynesian arrivals to modern day seafaring

Our professional researchers can do research projects of many sizes and for many budgets. We customize the amount of research provided according to your needs.

If you would like to learn how our genealogists can further your research, request a research quote.

Some of the major records sources that can be used for genealogy research in New Zealand include:

  • Birth, marriage, and death records were kept by some towns from their infancy
  • Birth, marriage, and death records have been recorded by the government from 1848 to the present
  • Land records were kept by the towns and counties from the time they were settled
  • Probate records were kept by the local courts from 1800s to the present
  • Churches kept records of the christenings, marriages, deaths, or other information about their members
  • Newspapers were written in many areas and time periods that contain information such as notices of marriages, notices of death, and obituaries
  • Military records since 1840
  • Town and county histories about the settlers and their families
  • Naturalization and citizenship records were recorded by the courts since 1800s
  • Ship passenger lists, tax lists, and town records were recorded for many areas


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