Austria Genealogists

We have genealogists who research on location in Austria. With their knowledge of Austrian history and genealogy records, they can find and analyze the best records available to further your family history research.

Here are some of the locations they can search in-person for you:

Austrian State Archives

These archives date back to the Holy Roman Empire and contain collections of maps, photographs, and around 100,000 medieval documents, many of which belonged to the royal Habsburg family. The archives can be divided into subsections, which our genealogists can use to determine the location of your own family records.

  • Archive of the Republic: Here are all the records of the Austrian State Archives from 1918-onward, which includes records of all military personnel and the German Wehrmacht (1938-1945).
  • General Administrative Archives: To find royal relatives, our Austrian genealogists can search these archives which include lists of every noble family since the 1600’s.
  • War Archives: Not only do the Australian State Archives contain information on army personnel from recent years, this specific sections contains recording detailing information of members of the Austrian-Hungarian army from the late 16th century to 1918, including details on orders given and awards granted to specific officers.

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