Genealogists.com is oneof the world's largest family history research firms, and we continue to growat a remarkable rate. We currently are hiring for several positions, including Project Manager and Sales Manager. Consequently, it seems we are always seekingadditional researchers.
Given this fact, we thought it might be helpful ifwe shared some pointers as to what not to say in your job application, alongwith some tips on what we find impressive or attractive in an applicant’s résumé.
1. Please do nottell us that your family history research has been completed. As any seasonedgenealogist knows, one's family history is never finished. Instead, sharewith us the ways in which you were able to break through some dead ends thatyou encountered or let us know approximately how many years you havebeen engaged in your own or others’ family history research.
2. Please do nottell us that you have amassed over 70,000 names in your family tree. Quality research involves much more than sheer quantity of records gathered. We are seeking hunters, not gatherers. Please do include details about your successes with tracing difficult-to-findancestors, and the methods you use to ensure that your family tree has beenaccurately constructed.
3. Please do nottell us that you have traced your ancestry back to Adam. In all our yearsof doing family history research, we have never found anyone who has been ableto prove their descendence from Adam. Please do let us know if you have experience with a particular erain time and how you would help others who have difficulty puttingevents in their proper historical and cultural context.
4. Please do notanswer the question about what repositories can you access by listing FamilySearch,Ancestry.com, MyHeritage, and FindMyPast. As important as these sitesare, Genealogists.com focuses on the over 90% of records that are not online.Please do indicate whether you have expertise in a particular geographical area, have proficiency in a foreign language, or understand a particularethnic or racial group. Your ability to read maps, decipher certain scripts(for example Old German), or basic knowledge of ecclesiastical records forinstance are all very valuable skills that you should mention in yourapplication.
We hope that this brieflist will help you be more successful in your efforts to join one of the largest andmost successful research firms in the world. We appreciate your interestin joining us as we know that our researchers truly are the reason for that success. We pledge to do all we can to continue to attract andretain the best genealogists in the world in order to access the records needed to compile family histories as well as make family history researchaffordable for the general public.
by Jim Heddell © 2014, Genealogists.com. Allrights reserved
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