Genealogists.com provides high quality familyhistory research at the most affordable price possible. We specialize in:
- Obtainingcopies of original documents from archives and libraries around the world
- Breakingdown difficult brick walls and solving complex family history problems
- Strengtheningand extending family trees

Who We AreGenealogists.com has createdone of the largest networks of professional genealogists in the world. We doresearch in every state in the United States, every country in the UnitedKingdom and Europe, as well as Australia, Canada, and many other countries aroundthe globe. Genealogists.com has:
- Literally thousands of years of combined genealogy research experience
- Morethan 500 genealogists around the globe
- Accessto over 1,000 archives andrepositories worldwide
Success Factor 1: Knowledge of Available Records
Our researchers know whatrecords are available, what those records contain, and how to best analyze them. Our detailed analysis reports will pullinformation from not only online sources, but from the archives that documentwhere your ancestors lived and died.
Success Factor 2: On-SiteResearch
Our researchers conduct over 85%of the research projects using on-site archives that contain the records needed. If a researcher needs one or more recordsfrom a remote archive, they can call or email one of our 500+ researchers whoperform lookups in that specific archive and have the record sent to themsaving weeks or even months of research time.
Success Factor 3: CustomizedResearch
Wecustomize the amount of research provided according to your needs. Your goals, your objectives, your researchpackage. Contact us for a quote.
Success Factor 4:Collaborative Approach
Ourgenealogists work together to bring you the expertise you need in the locationyou need. You no longer need to spendtime and effort searching for researchers in all the different locations whereyour ancestors lived and worked. Simplysubmit your request and we will ensure that you receive the best researchers possible.
Success Factor 5: Quality Deliverables
Our job is to locate and fullyanalyze relevant family research records, providing you a detailed researchcalendar/log documenting our searches.We then create a research report that presents our findings. All of our deliverables are reviewed byexpert researchers before they are sent to you in order to ensure the highestquality possible. See examples of ourdeliverables.
Request a Quote Today
To receive a free quote foryour research project, simply complete the "Request a Free Research Quote"form at: indicating what you want us to investigate. We will provide you with a quote within 72 hours;there is no limit to the number of requests you can submit. We look forward to helping you with all yourfamily history research needs.
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by Jim Heddell © 2014, Genealogists.com. All rights reserved