Where is the FamilySearch Research Wiki?

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With the redesign of the FamilySearch home page, it is now more difficult than ever to find the FamilySearch Research Wiki?  WhyFamilySearch would hide one of the most important sources on information on the web is beyond us. 

1.  To access the FS Wiki, go to the FamilySearch.org home page and click Get Help.

2.  Click Help Center.

3.  UnderResearch Assistance, choose Request Assistance.

4.  Click Visit the Research Wiki.

The FamilySearch Research Wiki now appears:

Once you have successfully navigated through this maze, make sure you bookmark the site: www.familysearch.org/learn/wiki/en/Main_Page

so you never have to try to find it again.

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April 18, 2013
Wesley is the founder of hello@traceyourpast.com.

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