Press Release
Genealogists.com expands premiere research services to include DNA technologies

DNA Testing and AnalysisSeptember 24, 2014:As part of their focus on creating “dreamteams” of experts to overcome genealogical roadblocks and mysteries,Genealogists.com recently added DNA Technologies to their genealogicalservices. “DNA results greatly adds toour access to our customers’ ancestry,” explained Jim Heddell, co-founder andCEO.
In order to head up the task of DNA testing and consulting,Genealogists.com has added DNA professional Diahan Southard to their team. Diahanis a celebrated DNA consultant, Lab Technologist, lecturer and educator with 14years of DNA experience. Her career coincideswith the first appearances of the field of DNA.
Diahan began her career at BYU helping Dr. ScottWoodward extract DNA from Egyptian mummies to determine their origins. Thisproject led to the creation of the Sorenson Molecular Genealogy Foundation(SMGF) in 1999, where Diahan assisted the transition through her expert fieldworkand education, giving lectures all across the United States while collectingDNA samples from volunteers.
When SMGF launched their for-profit arm, RelativeGenetics, Diahan led the design of effective lab procedures, created visualdesigns for displaying DNA information, and trained the executive team on DNAissues. She continued her DNA lectures and began a new project creating specialDNA reports for world leaders detailing their personal genetic history.
Diahan eventually started her own DNA consulting business,and has helped hundreds of people through DNA services. Diahan saw newpossibilities, however. “Because genetics are only onepart of the larger genealogical puzzle, many of those I speak with still needadditional help finding their ancestors, even after successful DNA testing. Myfavorite thing about Genealogists.com is their ‘boots-on-the-ground’ approachto genealogy; they have expert eyes andears in the places most of us can’t get to. I am excited about how our combinedexpertise will help make the most of all aspects of a modern genealogicalsearch.”
DNA will be an integral part of the new researchpackages at Genealogists.com, including the discovery packages - whichemphasize the stories of the past - and the Ancestral Bloodline Authenticationpackage, geared to assist those looking for Native American connections ordocumentation of early American Patriot connections for connecting to lineageand heritage societies.
To celebrate this union of DNA with professionalresearch, Genealogists.com is running a limited time promotion on all DNApackages. Genealogists.com DNA packages include personal DNA consultation withDiahan herself, and testing options of all DNA tests including Y-DNA, mtDNA,and autosomal DNA.
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