David inherited a family bible handed down from multiple generations with some scribbled notes in it. Other than that bible, he had very little information about his predecessors. On June 17, he posted a request to find out more about his Irish roots.
This is his story. In less than a week he discovered more about his family than he had throughout his entire lifetime.
His Request
Annotated in the bible was information about his Irish relatives dating back to the 1700s. He was searching to get over the Brick Walls that were keeping him from knowing more about his maternal family.\

Her Proposal
Within a few hours three different genealogists had responded, anxious to help him in his quest. He decided to team up with Anne.
I will take it on. I will keep you updated during the week, here on Ancestorcloud. Like I mentioned before Irish records are not always available but I will do my very best to bring good results. – Anne Marie
Just like that Anne was off to find out everything she could about David’s heritage. On June 23rd, she sent him her final report.
The Results
- Anne created a genealogy report going back to the 1700’s/ early 1800’s for both grandparents on Mom’s side.
- Included in this information were names, dates of birth, dates of deaths, and locations.
- Additionally she came up with 40 interesting facts on certain people
- Tombstone pictures
- Occupation
- Census Records from 1880
- Cause of death, etc.
When asked if it was worth it, he responded saying, “Big time! $325 feels like a bargain. I would not know where to start on most of this including gathering info from a DIY site. Genealogy had never been a priority in my family but through this I learned my grandfather was born Northern Ireland, not Ireland. I found out my grandmother has no Irish roots — only German and US roots. I also found out my grandfather registered for the WWII draft at age 50.”
(Dave’s Maternal Family circa 1950)
All we had was a bible handed down through multiple generations and some scribbled notes…within 10 days, we had a detailed genealogy report back to the late 1700s and bits of information on our ancestors … real treasure for our family