Hello! My name is Joy Neighbors and I have recently joined the Genealogists.com teamas their Social Media Manager. Basically that means I get to do cool stuff liketalking with you about your family history, interests and roadblocks. I’ll alsoshare the latest genealogy tips and tricks on our social media platforms,including Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest. Plus, I’ll research and write articlesfor our twice-weekly blog posts. Blogging is something that I’m an old hand at;I’ve written the cemetery blog, A Grave Interest for five years.
Yes,I am an avowed “Tombstone Tourist,” one of those people who loves to wandercemeteries. (Good thing – on one of our first dates my husband took me to acemetery for a picnic. I decided then he was a keeper.) To me ambling through acemetery is like visiting an art museum, it’s an opportunity to enjoy rarelyappreciated sculpture, intricate carvings and amazing architecture in atranquil outdoor setting. And on my cemetery jaunts, I usually find something intriguing:a mystery, a touching story or an incredibly beautiful stone that I just wantto share.
Ibecame involved in genealogy about ten years ago when I started “namegathering.” Since then I’ve gotten serious about it and discovered some prettyinteresting things along the way: I come from a long line of Hoosier farmers, eightgenerations so far. I’ve found a female ancestor who is credited with helpingbring the Cumberland Presbyterian religion across the Appalachian Mountains. Ialso have a Revolutionary War soldier who traveled with Daniel Boone beforebeing murdered at a salt lick. And speaking of murder, my 4th greatgrandfather shot his wife before killing himself. WOW! Talk about mystery andintrigue – who needs reality TV when you have family history to explore!
ButI don’t live by cemeteries and genealogy alone, I also have a passion for wine,having worked in the wine industry as a winery owner, marketing director andoccasional wine judge for 15 years. (My favorite? A dark and brooding oakyMerlot.) And when I want to leave the past behind and be “in the moment,” I performby doing with voice-overs, theatre acting and Improv comedy.
Sothat’s me in a nutshell. I look forward to virtually meeting you and engagingwith you about genealogy, history and yes, cemeteries. Check out our blog postseach Wednesday and Friday, and be sure to “Like” our page on Facebook and followus on Pinterest and Twitter - that’s where you’ll find me most of the time. Happyresearching!
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