Are you looking to grow your family history business? Are you looking to do more family history projects? Now you can.
Genealogists.com is growing rapidly. In order to facilitate and manage this unprecedented growth, we areactivelyseeking highly skilled, expert researchers, project managers, and sales managers. Ideal candidates will have several years of paidexperience selling, researching, and/or managing research projects. Certification is preferred, but not required.
Both full-time and part-time positions are available. We receive numerous requests each day from around the world for research in hundreds of archivesand locations. We send each request to the researcher or researchers who are best suited to handle each specific project. In the request, we include the objectives of what the client wants to accomplish as well as how much we can pay. We also provide templates for the main deliverables we create:
- Research plan
- Research report
- Research log/calendar

Several benefits are provided to those who work with Genealogists.com, including:
• Access to Archives. If you need documents that are not online and not in your local archives, we have over 350 professional researchers around the world who will find those records in a couple days. Imagine, not having to wait weeks or even months for the records to arrive.
• Financial Rewards. We pay more than those other guys because we don't have their high overhead expenses. Plus, we pay as soon as the project results are ready to send to the client.
• Simplified Processes. Submit all your deliverables online. No need to create hardcopies. No PAF files to create or other archaic processes to follow.
• Flexibility. From the comfort of your own home or wherever you choose at at the hours the fit best into your schedule.
Why wait? Join Genealogists.com today. You'll be glad you did.