History about Danish Graveyards and Cemeteries
During the Middle Ages and until the Romanticism at the beginning of the 1800s, the graveyard was not designed the same way as it is today. The graveyard was a simple grass field surrounded by the church stone wall. There were some monuments, simple grave markers or wooden crosses, mostly without names, just indicating where the graves were located. Excommunicates, suicides, and unbaptized parishioners were buried outside the graveyard. Burials inside the church were reserved for those who could afford it, often aristocrats or distinguished people in the parish.Around the beginning of the 1800s the graveyard became more a place to mourn and remember the family members who passed away. The individual plots were marked more precisely, and gravestones were introduced, marking the individual graves. Inside burials, in chapels or in the floor, were banned after 1805 due to general enlightenment, and better knowledge of hygiene.From 1922 the systematic ordered plots and straight paths as we know today were introduced. The plots were surrounded by miniature boxwood hedges and inside the plot were planted flower beds and sometimes small trees.Facts About Current PracticesThere are about 2,400 churches in Denmark and almost all of them have a graveyard, of which nearly all are still in use. Only a few are actual cemeteries, mainly in the capital, Copenhagen, and some of the larger cities, as some of the graveyards over time became full due to epidemic or the large growth in population.Nearly 99% of all graveyards and cemeteries in Denmark are public and owned and maintained by the state church, named The Church of Denmark or Danish National Church. The religion is Lutheran Evangelic.As of 2016, 77% of the Danes are members of the National Church, and 83% of the burials take place in the National Church. 78% of the Danes choose to be cremated.Everybody can be buried in the graveyards belonging to the National Church, no matter what religion one might have. At some graveyards there are made separate sections for Muslims, Jews or other religions. There are also 11 Jewish cemeteries around the country and a newer large Muslim cemetery just outside Copenhagen.Not many Danes are buried in private graveyards or on private property due to rather strict regulation. Land owners, owning more than 5000 square meter (1.24 acres) of land, can apply for private burials.As of 2009, it has been legal to have your ashes scattered at sea, if you have applied for it before your death. About one out of ten chooses to have the burial like this.