Genealogists.com is pleased to offer a new service called"Handwriting Analysis". In anutshell, we now analyze handwriting in order to give people an understandingof their ancestors’ personalities.
Wecan tell you about your ancestor's innate and learned personality traits aswell as about their emotional and physical state at the time of thewriting. To name just a few, we analyzeletters, diaries, journals, recipe cards, writing on the back of old photos,and of course, signatures.
The responseto this new service has been amazing; people are eager and excited to receive "realperson" additional information about their relatives. It truly brings their ancestors to life andadds a valuable dimension to family history research.
Handwriting analysis has been around a very long time and isclassified as a science, just like psychology, by the Library of Congress; youmay be interested to learn that handwriting analysis is admissible as evidencein a court of law in the U.S.. The firstbook about handwriting analysis was written in the 1500s by an Italian. Since then, much research has been conducted overthe centuries and currently, the science is widely used in Europe for numerouspurposes, such as employment verification, credit checks, etc.
Here's a quote from a recent client whose grandmother'swriting we analyzed last week:
"Thank you so much for your analysis. I knew and remember my grandmother clearlyand you really hit it right on the nose. I can't tell you how pleased I was with your analysis. Now that mytenure has closed with the Grand Jury, I hope to have time to go through mypossessions and send you new letters...I also recommended your service to ourProgram Director, who said she would be contacting you. I spout the praises of your firm everyopportunity I get...Thank you, once again. Just delighted with your analysis!"
The above response is very typical, and it is gratifying tohelp people truly understand who their relatives really were. Sometimes traits are handed down fromgeneration to generation, and handwriting analysis is a unique and enlighteningway to help you discover yourself in your family’s past.

Handwriting analysis can lead to amazing discoveries
If you have any records with your ancestors’ handwriting —perhaps just a signature on a certificate, a brief note on a postcard, orcorrespondence of any sort — we would love to analyze the records for you. Please don't hesitate to contact us with anyquestions. We look forward to helpingyou learn more about your ancestors and strengthening your relationship withthem.
Act now and save. Special introductory pricing until end of July 2014.
- Full analysis (mental, emotional, physical, and personality traits) only $30 (save $10 per record)
- Partial analysis (20 significant traits) only $15 (save $5 per record.)
Click to submit a record for analysis today.
by Nancy Douglas and Jim Heddell © 2014, Genealogists.com. All rights reserved
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