Have youconsidered using materials from the Family History Library in yourresearch? The Family History Library (or FHL for short), located in Salt LakeCity, Utah, holds the largest collection of genealogical records in the world. These records grow daily and currently contain the names of more than 3 billion deceased people from over 110countries.
Note: In addition to providing lookups at the FHL, Genealogists.com also provides lookups and research in several other archives throughout the world from our team of over 500 researchers in over 1,000 locations.
The FamilyHistory Library houses an extensive collection of records dating from 707 AD to2012, with the majority of records containing information about persons who lived before 1930. The FHL collection comprises[1]:
- Over2.4 million rolls of microfilmed genealogical records
- 727,000microfiche
- 356,000books, serials, and other formats
- 4,500periodicals
- 725electronic resources

Here's whereGenealogists.com comes in. As one of the team of researchers who performs lookups inthe FHL regularly, I have assisted hundreds of clients with requests. I have helped discover vital records,including birth, marriage, naturalization, and death certificates as well asother valuable documents that have helpedour clients accelerate their research of their family trees and extend their lineage.
Accelerate how? How do you benefit?

There aremany reasons to request lookups from Genealogists.com. The most important reason of them allis validitation of previolusly discovered information. Lookups from the FHL will provide you with solid evidence that youhave in fact identified all your progenitors and that all the date is accurate.
Secondly, ithelps to expand your family tree by providing you with previously unknown names and details, such as a great-great-whatever grandparent on a birth certificate you'reseeking, or a distant cousin, or even a living relative you never knew you had. An ancestor may have even lived in a completely different location than previously thought, and this may help re-direct and expand your research in a totally new direction.
It is easyto request lookups. Visit either:
a. Our Facebook page and click the button"Request Research or a Lookup"
b. Our FHL Lookup Request page and complete the form located there.
Pleaseprovide as much information as possible about which family name(s) you are hoping to locate. The cost is $25 per record or $60 per hour of research. Results will be emailed to you within a couple days.
Lookups canlead to an entirely new area of discovery. Youmight even find you are related to royalty or to some other famous historical figure.The possibilities are endless.
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by Zack Tritsch © 2014, Genealogists.com. All rights reserved